Ware's Chapel is an inclusive community of faith extending the compassion of Christ with generous hearts.
The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Transformation means we are changed, in the light of the Holy Spirit, to a new thing. It implies embodied worship, embodied ministry, and embodied witness to God's love in the world, so that the world might look like a new creation.
At Ware's Chapel, we believe that God's call for us as a local church is to embody the following core values we know in the ministry of Jesus:
The mission of God includes all people and is always expanding in Christ and through the work of the Holy Spirit. We are invited and welcomed into God's love, and we are called to share the same with our neighbors. (John 4:1-42)
The love of God meets those in the margins in the person of Jesus. We are called to put on the love of Christ in kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and forgiveness so that God's love might be even more evident in our community. (Col 3:12-15)
God gives abundantly and we hope to respond in gratitude by sharing our gifts with the community, and trusting that when we reflect God's generosity, what we have to offer is a gift to be shared and celebrated. (Luke 21:1-4)
Each Sunday we gather for worship at 10:00am. Worship at Ware’s is traditional in our approach to liturgy, prayer, and proclamation of the Word. We will welcome you as you enter, and help you find a comfortable spot in our Sanctuary of natural wood and bright windows to let the light in. Worship is usually about one hour.
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